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Fishin for Wounded Warriors

Joe Tooker

     Hey!  My name is Joseph Tooker.  I am an avid offshore and inshore fisherman as many of you know.  I have lived here in Jacksonville over the past 10 years,   and  have been a member of the Jacksonville Offshore Sport Fishing Club. This August I am traveling to Kodiak Island, Alaska for 17 days to fish for Salmon, Halibut, rock fish, cod, and many more pacific species.  
During my trip I will be volunteering to support the Wounded Warrior Project with my friend Brandyn Sampson, an active duty USCG member.  I will be volunteering as a mate to assist Brandon in taking out several Wounded Warriors out on the water in Kodiak, Alaska. We intend on fishing with these wounded warriors for approximately 4 days.

     Most of you know of the Wounded Warrior Project charity that raises money to support our wounded veterans in many ways.  In an effort to give back even more, I would like to request many of you to pledge a donation to be given to the Wounded Warrior Project after my excursion.   You can donate by either making a pledge per fish that I catch during my trip, a not to exceed donation, or a single donation amount.

     Here is my donation site for the

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2011 River Tournament

Tom_Cavin_77LBWell can you guess who won the River Tournament?  Here is a hint, the picture on the left is Tom Cavin, with a 77 Lb Black Drum!   Want to guess now?  No it was not Eddie McGowan, he was being nice to everyone and came in 6th place Just to give everyone a chance.

OK, I will tell you, 1st place went to Tom!  It is really hard to beat 77 Lbs especially when it is one fish!

The COY ( Captain of the Year ) race is off to a good start.  We had 10 boats compete, with 8 weighing in fish. I believe there were 15 Anglers weighing in fish for individual honors but we only pay 1through 3 for Anglers. 

Andy Proescher took 1st place Angler with 8.2 Lbs

Jake Ogin was 2nd with 7.4 Lbs

Tina Proescher captured 3rd with 5.9 Lbs


The COY points broke down like this:

Tom Cavin – 10 Points

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Paul Mains Reef

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Nine Mile Reef

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Mayport Elementary School Spring Fling

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Montgomery’s Reef

M.R. Montgomery's Reef. 70 degrees from end of jetties, 8.5 miles. This natural depression in the ocean floor has the greatest depth of water in a 9 mile area from…

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Report White Shark Sightings

Look sharp people, it is the season for the Great White Sharks to be here again, and One was sited just before these darn Nor-Westers started blowing us off the…

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Fund Raiser Tournament

   Saturday, March 23rd the South woods Elementary School is holding a Sheepshead & Red Fish Derby as a fund raiser for their Music Program.  For information contact (904) -…

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Will Sheepshead


That is Will Aitken with his two largest to date, a 6.75 Pounder and a 7.3 pounder! lets just hope Will is finally learning how to get the BIG one…

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