In Memory of Chuck Darner

Chuck Darner
May 13, 1944 – July 14, 2022
The Florida Sport Fishing Community lost a great man in July. Chuck was involved in anything that benefited sport fishing. He was a two times past president of the Jacksonville Offshore Sport Fishing Club ( 2001 / 2002 & 2002 / 2003 ) Chuck was also involved with the City of Jacksonville Waterways Commission, on the Board of the Greater Jacksonville Kingfish Tournament, and involved with the Recreational Fishing Alliance. He went to Washington D.C. to meet with our Congressmen and Senators to get them involved with the unwarranted Red Snapper closures, and fought for all sport fishing. Chuck was not just a great man, but he was one of those rare individuals that was a friend to everyone. If you met Chuck, you were instantly a friend. IN the 20 years that I knew Chuck I NEVER heard a single person say anything but the highest praise for Chuck.Chuck darner will be missed by everyone that knew him!
We lost a good man and friend . May he always have Calm seas and great fishing.