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The May Trolling Tournaments

The May Trolling Tournaments

Eddie with his new best friend, a 35.9 Lb African Pompano!Well the Captain Of the Year race is starting to heat up. Paul Gallup jumped in winning the Unlimited with 61.8 Lbs., and Eddie McGowan took second with 54.9 Lbs. This moved Eddie into 1st place. Steve Kalaitzis was knocked out of first, but took a respectable 28.2 Lbs. So he is still right there in the hunt at 3rd. Place overall.

We finished May with the May Trolling Tournament, and Eddie McGowan showed everyone how to win with an impressive 84.5 Lbs. Including a 35.9 Lb African Pompano! Chris Rooney made a big move up to 2nd. Place with 50 Lbs. and Steve Kalaitzis is still making a good showing staying in 3rd. Place.  Paul Gallup didn’t fish the May trolling tournament, so he dropped to 5th overall.

Chuck Darner, finally decided to come back from gallivanting all over the place and join the fun, and jumped straight into 7th place. Not a bad start Chuck, but you are going to have to work hard to catch up with Eddie, Chris, and Steve!  However, we have 5 tournaments still to fish, that is 50 points total, so depending on the weather being good so we fish all 5, it is still anyoneʼs race to win. Even someone that has not fished any of the tournaments yet could still enter and win.

Donʼt forget you have to participate in 3 tournaments, as Captain OR Crew, OR at the Club House to win a Fishing Board, so be sure you fish at least 3 of the tournaments!

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