The 2023 El Cheapo Sheepshead Tournament was GREAT!

The winner of the 2023 El Cheapo Sheepshead Tournament was none other than our own Club Secretary, Ashley Rehberg!
Ashley won with a 10.2 Pound Sheepshead Caught INSHORE.
This was the second year in a row that a Lady Angler won the Tournament that entered BOTH the Ladies Division and then paid extra for a General Entry! ( With the COMBO entrys the fisher person is placed where they will win the highest value prize. )
This year we had:
410 Entries, almost a Tournament record.
52 Kayaks, ( Again the largest number of Kayaks to date.)The winner was Edison Pedro with a 7.42 pound fish.
67 Junior Anglers. Winner being Atley Tavares with a 8.7 Pounder
74 Lady Anglers Winner was Katie Swanger with a 8.99 Pound fish.
There were 192 boats that weighed fish, with the average weight being 5.6 Pounds.