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Fishing Links

Recreational Fishing Alliance

If you are NOT a member …… JOIN! Only $35.00 per year and this is the organization that is filing the Law Suits against the SAMFC and their bad Science!

Fishing Connection

The Free fishing newspaper of the Jacksonville area.

Our Healthcares

Ad-free health information and resources for our community.

Fishing Royalty Free Stock Images at Foto Search

This link will take you to some Royalty Free photos, and well as the site where you can purchase photos and possibly sell your photos.

The Number 1 Sport fishing resource page

This is a good page with information on all kinds of fishing and useful information for beginners experienced fishermen.

Report White Shark Encounters

Here you can find a form to report Great White Shark Sightings.  See their .pdf file for more Information.

Downloadable PDFs

Fishing Links

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