Here is your El Cheapo Hall of FAME!
All YOU have to do is catch ( 1 ) ONE Sheepshead that is bigger than the others caught this year, and your photo can appear on this page!
They all ran from 9 pounds 5 Oz to 12 pounds, except for the Tournament Record set by Chris Beasley in 2017 and that monster was a whopping 14 Pounds 3 Oz!
Here are the Sheepshead Records:
Tournament = 14 Lb 3 oz Caught in 2017
State = 15 Lb 2 oz Caught in 1981
World = 21 Lb 4 oz Caught in 1992
A few years ago, someone, ( Not to be embarrassed here. ) caught what was probably the new State record . . . . And he ATE it!
Click on a Photo to enlarge it.