Captain Kirk Waltz Guest Speaker
Captain Kirk Waltz will be our Guest Speaker for the March 18th meeting. He will be giving a seminar on Inshore Fishing. The where, how to , and what to fish for when. How the tides affect our fishing and all we need to know to catch fish in the river and backwaters around Jacksonville.
Captain Kirk Waltz moved to Jacksonville Beach in the early 80’s and spent considerable time fishing the waters of the St. Augustine and Mayport areas. In 1995 Kirk met Kevin Faver who was guiding and at his urging got his USCG captain’s license. Initially Kirk was a field reporter and gave weekly reports on the Jax Beach area fishing conditions, then joined the Outdoors Show as cohost.
Captain Kirk also writes for several local magazines such as The Beaches Magazine, and has done several prominent TV shows including Whats your Opinion with Jim Clements, The Outdoors Show with Kevin Faver, and George Poveromo’s World of Salt Water Fishing.