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Polk County Boating Fatality

On 12/18/2009 at approximately 7:30 p.m., a Winter Haven couple were fishing on the east side of Lake Howard when their 12 foot vessel capsized. The husband last saw his…

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Wahoo Lures

Capt. Steve Grant Seminar

News Flash for THIS Week!  Our Guest Speaker for this Thursday, April 16th, will be none other than Captain Steve Grant!   Capt. Steve Grant is the Manager of C…

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Boating Safety Classes

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary
Jacksonville Flotilla 14-8

One Saturday could save your life!  Keep your family safe on the water!  Maximize your knowledge and your family’s safety. Cost is only $25. A second family member may attend for $5 if you can share a book.

Benefits of this program:
Meets Florida legal requirements for boater education.
All graduates will receive the Florida Education I.D. card.
Most insurance companies offer discounts to graduates.
Meet your fellow boaters.
Have more fun on the water and have it safely.

Below is the list of classes and contacts for the rest of 2012. 

June 16  Saturday  7:30 – 5:00  Captains Club, 13363 Beach Blvd, Jacksonville, FL. 32246
Mike 904-502-9154

June 16  Saturday  8:00 – 5:00  910 Roland Ave, Green Cove Springs, FL 32043
Joel  414-745-4555

June 23  Saturday  7:30 – 5:00  Stellar Bldg. 2900 Hartley Road, Jacksonville, FL.32257
Bob 904-721-1346

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Southeast 16 & 17

This area is one of the largest of all marked spots on the Jacksonville Party Grounds. There are groups of reefs and ledges that extend for approximately three miles in…

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56th Sailfish Pot Party

     The 56th Annual Sailfish Pot Party is Coming!   Here is the history of the Sailfisn Pot, a 56 year tradition here on the North East Coast of Florida…

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El Cheapo2013

El Cheapo 2013 Wrap-Up

     A record 458 boats along with 150 Junior Anglers participated in the 13th annual El Cheapo Sheepshead Tournament Saturday.  228 Sheepshead totaling over 1,250 pounds were brought to the…

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Wear Your Life Jacket

This month we start our fishing season and the tournaments for the club Captain of the Year. This presents an excellent opportunity to remind the Club membership of the fact that the successful fishing/ boating trip is the one that begins and ends safely.Inflatable_LJ

4_pocket_LJPreparation can save your life! One way to ensure a safe outing on the water is to wear your life jacket. Although not required by law, except for children 13 years of age and younger, boaters should wear a life jacket especially when the boat is underway. Historical data shows that many excellent swimmers have drowned when thrown from a moving boat without wearing a flotation device of some type. Recently we had a near tragic accident when a small boat, with 3 fishermen, capsized near the jetties. Since the fishermen were not wearing life jackets, only the quick action of some nearby fishermen prevented a tragedy.

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Floyd’s Folly

It was 1962. I was nine, and it was raining. I hadn't slept in days. Here I was standing on the dock at Mayport Yacht basin staring at a huge…

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