Wow, What a Tournament!

Wow, What a Tournament we just had!
The 2012 El Cheapo Sheepshead Tournament is now in the bag! There is no doubt that the JOSFC’s El Cheapo is the biggest Tournament in Northern Florida. We had 424 Boats enter, with 125 Junior Anglers Registered!
The day started off windy and cold, and it was somewhat slow to warm up. Fishing was a lot like the weather. With the cold front setting in the bite was off and the fishing was slow. By the time Weigh-in started, the sun was out, and the wind calmed down to a nice breeze, instead of a hard wind. People came out to watch the weigh-in and see our vendors that were on site, and to look over the huge Raffle that we had on display, and pick out what they wanted to win!
With such a great turn out, Tournament Director Frank Joura extended the Pay-Out to ( 20 ) Twenty Places!
Claiming top honors in the general division was Steven Austin of Jacksonville. Steve brought in a 10.1 lb. fish and took home a beautiful 2012 Carolina Skiff JVX18 center console boat with a 75 hp Mercury motor along with a number of other prizes. Scott Spivey took 2nd place with a 10.0 lb. fish netting him an Arctic Cat 450 ATV. 3rd place though 20th place received cash and merchandise payouts. 1st place Junior Angler winner David Dry hauled in a 8.3 lb. Sheepshead winning him a rod & reel combo, hand held GPS, gift cards from In River or Ocean, .Academy Sports, West Marine, a pair of Ocean Waves Sunglasses, an etched glass trophy, and numerous other prizes. Junior Anglers were awarded through 15th place. The El Cheapo Sheepshead Tournament, one of the largest fishing tournaments in the Southeastern United States, and the largest Sheepshead Tournament in the world, is held annually during the last weekend in February. The event is hosted by the Jacksonville Offshore Sport Fishing Club. The tournament is made possible by over 100 sponsors in the local fishing and business community. In addition to supporting the J.O.S.F.C. and it’s community service efforts, a portion of each year’s proceeds goes to a local charity or non-profit organization.