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Sheepshead Records

For those of you that fish for Sheepshead, and just so you will know when you fish the El Cheapo Sheepshead Tournament, The El Cheapo Tournament Record is 12 Lbs…

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Tournament Reef

In 1932 a proud new 225' freighter was built in Leith, Scotland. With cabins of inlaid wood from around the world and tall masts she was as graceful as she…

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As we move into January and the colder months, we normally think more about staying warm when fishing in the cold, windy weather. Also, since the Captain of a vessel is responsible for the safety of his/her vessel and the crew, all Captains should be giving some thought to the prevention of hypothermia. Hypothermia can pose a problem for boaters anytime of the year, but should be of greater concern to all Captains as we approach colder weather.

Hypothermia occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce it. As a Captain, have you ever thought about what a life jacket has in common with a blanket relative to hypothermia and safety in boating? Both can save your life when you are facing a major killer in aquatic mishaps such as hypothermia. As a result, you should carry both of these items on your boat. A life jacket is a federal and state requirement, but a blanket is not. However, all boaters should carry a blanker on board.

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Kingfishing Rigging Seminar

Hay everyone, Summer is here and the Kingfish are also here!   We also have some big Kingfish Tournaments coming up, First there is the Kingbuster 400 running from June 12th through…

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Frank Joura Tournament Director

The 11th Annual El Cheapo Sheepshead Tournament began Saturday February 26 under perfect weather conditions. The water was calm and the tempature was in the low 60's. By weigh-in time…

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Hospital Grounds

Most of these reefs run from Southeast to Northwest, with ledges from offering from 5- to 10-foot drop-offs. There are also several deep holes in the area. The HG is…

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