May 3, 2012 Meeting Minutes
JOSFC Regular Meeting Minutes
May 3, 2012
Meeting Chaired By: President – Danny Del Rio
Note Taker: Secretary – Patti Kalaitzis
Members | Present | Absent | Members | Present | Absent |
Danny Del Rio | X | Tom Darga | X | ||
Paul Gallup | X | Will Aitken | X | ||
Patti kalaitzis | X | Greg Wallace | X | ||
Carol Hixenbaugh | X | Alan Shepard | X | ||
Larry Hixenbaugh | X | Don Cook | X | ||
Steve Kalaitzis | X |
The meeting was called to order at 8:05pm.
Dolphin First Coast Challenge Tournament from April 21-June 3, best of 3 days, weigh 2 biggest Dolphins for aggregate, pick and choose your days for competition. First place is $15K with lots of cash prizes. Boundaries are 3140 Savannah, GA and 2829 Cape Canaveral, FL ~ Captains can leave the night before but must call prior to 10pm that day. After April 13th the entry fee will be $375.00.
Christ Rooney put on a Heck of a Party at the Stag Sailfish Pot Party 53rd year (2738 Pot) on APRIL 28th, Morocco shrine. Great food and LOTS of prizes! $9700 for Raffle, $2700 in prizes. This year’s Sailfish Pot party is up to $3500 ~ GO Fish for it!!!!
Thank you for all the volunteers who came out for the Boat Show on April 13-15th.
Potluck next meeting ~ the club will provide the desserts. Bring a special dish you would like to share!
Chuck Darner announced that the Waterways Commission will be applying for 3~State Grants for Reef Projects one will be on the South of the Fuller warren Bridge (low Profile), others will be located inshore to create fishable reefs within 3miles.
Big THANKS go to Chef Larry for special Italian goulash, green salad, Italian breads and lots of desserts to choose from the table.
Captain Chris Rooney gave a superb seminar on Trolling. Since we have two trolling tournaments this month, this was a great seminar to attend! As of May 1st Grouper is up for grabs! Black Grouper/Gag either or but ONE! He pointed out some tips such as; look for the weed lines, current, temperatures, hands on with his personal gear, equipment, rigs, lures and rods/reels. He discussed various baits and how, what, when to fish for wahoo, dolphin, kings or whatever you are looking for to fish and what specific gear and rigs to use.
Visiting guests and new members were recognized and well received ~ Welcome Aboard!
According to the FWC Law Enforcement; website below is the best reference when looking up which fish species are opened or closed. Keep in mind changes daily.
Non-Live Tournament Report
Aggregate Angler Division
1st Place Rob Cripe w/51.7lbs 1st Place Zack Miller w/Wahoo 35.6lbs
2nd Place Paul Gallup w/48.6lbs 2nd Place Derrick Seigel w/Bonita 7.3lbs
3rd Place Tom Myer w/32.8lbs 3rd Place Greg Wallace w/Bonita 6.9lbs
Congratulations to all Anglers!
Please see Will Aiken, if you would like to volunteer for the Boat Show at Metro Park April 20-21 and 22nd. Volunteers are desperately needed for Saturday!
* May 12th ~ Unlimited Tournament hosted by Tom Myer
* May 20th ~ Trolling Tournament hosted by Aj Proescher
Kuddo’s to Bill Breen on the upkeep of the JOSFC website! Please let us know your comments!
Raffle tickets can win you some great prices!
Raffle table has large hook release, bean bag chair, canvas tackle bags, line, pliers, t-shirts and other great prices. Chris Rooney tossed in some great colorful lures!
Congratulations to the winners!
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:11pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Patti Kalaitzis
JOSFC Secretary